Outstanding Citizen Award

Gordon Cariveau Sr.
Outstanding Citizen Award
Started in 2015
by the Cariveau Family
Congratulations to Doug Gillard for being awarded the 2023 Outstanding Citizen


City of Oronoco Outstanding Citizen Award Criteria


  • Nominees must be a past or present resident of the City of Oronoco.
  • Nominees must have made a contribution of service to the community while residing in the City of Oronoco.
  • No committee member may nominate one’s self.
  • Current or past residents and city staff of the City of Oronoco may nominate individuals.
  • A committee of up to two City Councilors and no less than two City of Oronoco residents will review the nominees and make a recommendation for the full City Council to approve (there is no maximum number of committee members, unless Council dictates otherwise).
  • Terms of the committee members are open, but the goal would be to serve a maximum of 10 years and have committee members cycle out one at a time.
  • Meetings of the committee are primarily in the fall and will attempt to be done in person, unless schedules preclude this.
  • If the committee is not in unanimous agreement for the nominee, a majority vote of City Council will break the tie between the top two candidates.
  • Nominations will open in late summer and shall be received by City Hall until the last day in October, or the following Monday- if the end of the month falls on a weekend.
  • Nominations may be dropped off, mailed, faxed or emailed to City Hall.
  • If at all possible, awardees will be presented with the award at the December City Council Meeting, unless schedules preclude otherwise.
  • These criteria may be modified at anytime by a majority vote of Council.

