151. PLANNING AND ZONING (Mobile Home Parks and Recreational Camping Areas 151.305 - 151.319)

Mobile Home Parks and Recreational Camping Areas


151.305       General requirements

151.306       Size

151.307       Access

151.308       Entrance

151.309       Park setback

151.310       Building height

151.311       Interior requirements

151.312       Requirement improvements

151.313       Commercial operation

151.314       Parking prohibited

151.315       Permit required

151.316       Administration

151.317       Enlargements

151.318       Transfer of permit

151.319       Additional requirements









The sanitary regulations prescribed by the State Board of Health or other authority having jurisdiction and the regulations of the City Building Code shall be complied with in addition to the regulation set forth in this subchapter.

(Prior Code, § 614.01)



§ 151.306  SIZE.


Any mobile home park established after the effective date of this subchapter shall contain not less than 20 mobile home lots. Any recreational camping area established after the effective date of this subchapter shall contain not less than ten camping sites and must be at least 20,000 square feet in area.

(Prior Code, § 614.02)



§ 151.307  ACCESS.


Each mobile home park or recreational camping area shall abut upon a public street.

(Prior Code, § 614.03)



§ 151.308  ENTRANCE.


No vehicular entrance to or exit from any mobile home park or recreational camping area shall be located within 200 feet along streets from any school, public playground, church, hospital, library, or institution for children except where the property is in another block or another street which the premises in question do not abut.

(Prior Code, § 614.04)  Penalty, see § 10.99



§ 151.309  PARK SETBACK.


Mobile home parks and recreational camping areas shall be set back 25 feet from front and rear property lines and 12 feet from side property lines.

(Prior Code, § 614.05)




No building or structure hereafter erected or altered in a mobile home park or recreational camping area shall exceed 25 feet or one and one‑half stories in height.

(Prior Code, § 614.06)  Penalty, see § 10.99





The following requirements shall apply to the interior of the mobile home park or recreational camping area.


(A)  Interior streets. The minimum roadway width of interior one‑way streets with parking permitted on one side shall be 21 feet. The minimum roadway width of two‑way streets with parking permitted on one side shall be 30 feet. The minimum width of two‑way streets without parking shall be 20 feet. The streets shall be paved according to city specification for residential streets, maintained in good condition, and lighted at night.


(B)  Lot area. The minimum lot area per mobile home site shall be 4,000 square feet. The minimum lot area per camp site within a recreational camping area shall be 1,200 square feet. 


(C)  Utilities. Each mobile home shall be equipped with one electrical outlet and hook‑ups for municipal water and sewer. Recreational camping vehicles not equipped with water and/or sewer facilities shall be located not more than 200 feet from a community utility building, which shall provide separate toilet and shower facilities for both sexes. Fire hydrants shall be located in accordance with generally accepted practices as determined by the Fire Marshal.


(D)  Distance between mobile homes. The minimum distance between neighboring mobile homes shall be 20 feet.


(E)  Setback from interior streets. No mobile home shall be located closer than ten feet to the traveled portion of an interior street.


(F)   Off-street parking. Paved off‑street parking shall be provided with the ratio of two spaces for each mobile home lot and one space for each recreational camping vehicle lot.

(Prior Code, § 614.07)  Penalty, see § 10.99





In order that a mobile home park or recreational camping area may be harmonious within itself and also with the surrounding area, the following improvements shall be required.


(A)  Adequate provisions for the control of surface drainage approved by the City Engineer must be incorporated on the site.


(B)  All areas not used for access, parking, circulation, buildings, and service shall be completely and permanently landscaped and the entire area maintained in good condition.


(C)  An eight-foot greenbelt shall be located and maintained along all exterior boundary lot lines not bordering a street.


(D)  Mobile home parks shall provide concrete or bituminous sidewalks along main drive; the walks shall not be less than three feet in width and not less than four inches in thickness.


(E)  Each mobile home lot and each recreational camping area site shall have a suitable hardstand of durable material capable of supporting the vehicle’s wheels, stands, or jacks.


(F)   Skirting for mobile homes is required and shall be in accordance with the decor of the mobile home and in good repair. Each mobile home shall be parked upon a jack or block approved by the mobile home park operator. No mobile home shall be placed on walls or any other temporary or permanent foundation not a part of the approved plan for the mobile home park and no other building or structure shall be attached to it or located on the same lot other than one utility cabinet or a cabana approved by the Zoning Administrator. This shall not prevent the use of an awning of aluminum, canvas, or fiberglass, which space may be enclosed by mesh screen.


(G)  There shall be provided within each mobile home park, an adequate site or sites for recreation for the exclusive use of the park occupants. The recreation site or sites shall have a minimum area of 10,000 square feet for each 50 units or fraction thereof, which shall be no longer than two times its width. The recreation sites shall be of appropriate design and provided with appropriate equipment.


(H)  Each mobile home shall be anchored to resist damaging movement by wind or storm.

(Prior Code, § 614.08)  Penalty, see § 10.99





No commercial operation shall be conducted within the park other than those necessary in the operation thereof. A common laundering facility is an allowed use. Commercial sales lots for mobile homes are prohibited.

(Prior Code, § 614.09)  Penalty, see § 10.99





Except as may be authorized by Title VII, no person shall park or occupy any mobile home on any premises in any district outside an approved mobile home park. The parking or storage of a recreational camping vehicle in any district shall be permitted provided no permanent living quarters shall be maintained or any business conducted in the vehicle while so parked or stored.

(Prior Code, § 614.10)  Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)  It shall be unlawful for any person to establish, maintain, or operate a mobile home park or recreational camping area or the facilities therein unless the person shall first procure a permit from the city. Compliance with the provisions of this subchapter is necessary to obtain the permit.


(B)  An application for a mobile home park or recreational camping area permit shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator and shall contain the following:


(1)   Name and address of applicant;


(2)   Location and legal description of the park; and


(3)   A plan showing complete compliance with this subchapter. The plan shall be certified by a registered engineer and shall contain the following information:


(a)   A plan of the park showing its relationship to surrounding area; the plan shall show locations of entrances and exits and compliance with greenbelt requirements;


(b)   A site plan showing the unit parking spaces, roads, and open spaces and the location of all permanent buildings located within the mobile home parks or recreational camping area;


(c)   Plans for the installation and location of all utilities to serve the occupants;


(d)   Topographic information to adequately show surface drainage patterns; and


(e)   Such other information as may be requested by the Zoning Administrator to enable her or him to determine if the proposed park will comply with all legal requirements.

(Prior Code, § 614.11)  Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)  This section shall be administered and enforced by the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator may institute any appropriate actions or proceedings against a violator as provided by law.  A fee shall be required, as set forth in the Schedule of Fees Code which can be found in the City Clerk/Treasurer’s office.


(B)  Any person, firm, or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, or refuses to comply with, or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to penalties as pointed out in § 10.99.


(C)  It is the intent and it is hereby declared that if any section of this subchapter conflicts with any other section of this subchapter that the section that places greater restrictions shall prevail and be in force and effect.


(D)  An application for a conditional use permit shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator. The Planning Commission shall have the authority to review this permit annually and may revoke the permit if the applicant fails to conform to the requirements of this section or any other municipal or state law that is applicable.

(Prior Code, § 614.12)  Penalty, see § 10.99



§ 151.317  ENLARGEMENTS.


Any enlargement or extension to any existing mobile home park or recreational camping area shall require application for a permit as if it were a new establishment.

(Prior Code, § 614.13)





A request for transfer of the permit shall be treated in the same manner as an original application for a permit.

(Prior Code, § 614.14)





In addition to the foregoing, the Planning Commission may impose such other conditions, requirements, or limitations concerning the design, development, and operation of such mobile home park or recreational camping area as it may deem necessary for the protection of adjacent properties and the public interest.

(Prior Code, § 614.15)