151. PLANNING AND ZONING (M-1 Manufacturing/Light Industrial District 151.165)

M-1 Manufacturing/Light Industrial District


151.165       M-1 Manufacturing/Light Industrial District









(A)  Intent. This district is intended to accommodate business park development with high levels of landscaping; constraints on grading and substantial land alteration, an overall park level, and individual site level maximum rate of trip generation; restrictions on outside storage, signs, and lighting; and requirements for connectivity with the intent that the development will be compatible with and connected to adjacent residential development.


(B)  Uses permitted. The following uses are permitted:


(1)   Public utility service buildings and yards, electrical transformer stations, substations, and gas regulator stations, as well as on-site storage pertaining to operation of the business;


(2)   Building materials storage yards, lumber yards;


(3)   Contractors’ equipment rental or storage yards;


(4)   Offices, funeral homes, or a membership organization;


(5)   Repair and maintenance, auto maintenance, or automotive repair services;


(6)   Veterinary services;


(7)   Fast food restaurants or standard restaurants;


(8)   Retail sales pertaining to furniture sales;


(9)   Convenience retail, wholesaling, or other trade shops which involve selling products directly from the manufacturer for consumer consumption, light manufacture compounding and assembly, or treatment of the products as bakery goods, candy, cosmetics, dairy products, and food products;


(10)   Local transit and parking facilities, park and ride services, public and private air transportation services;


(11)   Research and testing facilities;


(12)   Indoor and outdoor recreation facilities, outdoor entertainment, bowling alleys, indoor athletic facilities, and drinking and entertainment services;


(13)   Motor freight warehousing or parking of motor freight transportation devices, and storage warehousing, such as cold storage;


(14)   Communication and emergency services;


(15)   Agricultural services or support, retail agricultural services, landscaping services, and agricultural production;


(16)   Advertising sign companies and advertising signs;


(17)   Buildings and uses customarily necessary to any of the above permitted uses, which will not be detrimental either by reason of odor, smoke, noise, or vibration to the surrounding neighborhood; and


(18)   Growing crops on undeveloped property of at least ten acres that was previously farmed.

(Prior Code, § 608.01)